Accessibility Announcement

Supporting Students with Disabilities


We hope that you’ve had an enjoyable summer, and are excited to begin this new academic year here at UConn Health.

UConn is committed to providing an environment of inclusion and access to all community members, including those who identify as disabled. The University has established resources available to students in order to provide accommodations and equal access across campus.

Center for Students with Disabilities:

The Center for Students with Disabilities (CSD) is vested by the University to engage in the interactive process with each student and to determine appropriate accommodations on an individualized, case-by-case, course-by-course basis. This practice is in accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) as amended (2008).

Students requesting accommodations should register online with the CSD via MyAccess. Students will be assigned to work with a Disability Service Professional to discuss appropriate accommodations and services. During this meeting, students will be asked to provide evidence of disability which may include: student self-report and third party documentation. Please refer to CSD’s Disability Specific Guidelines for further information.

CSD will notify faculty members of approved accommodations via accommodation letters available in their MyAccess Portal. Accommodations should be implemented upon receipt of these letters. Faculty are encouraged to email or call 860-486-2020 if there are any questions on the implementation or impact of accommodations.

Office of Institutional Equity:

The Office of Institutional Equity monitors UConn’s compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act to support equal access for people with disabilities. OIE works to ensure the ability for all to participate in university- sponsored, non-course related programs or activities, in collaboration with the university community.

OIE is responsible for resolving allegations of discrimination based on disability, overseeing and ensuring University compliance with all relevant laws and regulations related to the ADA and Section 504, providing consult, information and referral to appropriate resources for disability‐ related issues and providing training on the ADA and Section 504. Any member of the campus community is welcome to contact OIE at any time via this form. The form can be used for questions or concerns or to get more information on filing a grievance.

Other Helpful Information

The Animals on Campus Policy works to provide guidance to the Campus Community regarding Service Animals, Emotional Support Animals, and programs that bring animals to campus. Please note that the form to request an event hosting animals has been updated and can be found here.

Access and disability inclusion are shared responsibilities that fall to everyone in the campus community. We hope that this letter serves as a resource in working toward this goal, though community members with questions or concerns are encouraged to reach out for support.


All the best for a bright and fruitful semester,

Office of Institutional Equity


Phone: 860-486-2943

Center for Students with Disabilities

Phone: 860-486-2020