Faculty Resources 


UConn is committed to help guide faculty and teaching professionals, including teaching assistants, in producing accessible teaching material and content for students with disabilities. The following resources are intended to inform and provide guidance to faculty and teaching professionals, including teaching assistants, and staff.

Accessibility Statement

The following statement is intended for event-specific publications for the purposes of ensuring an opportunity for participants with disabilities to request accommodations and fully participate in the event or activity.

The event accessibility statement is required for all publications that describe or invite participation in a University-sponsored event or activity, whether the publication is dispersed via print or electronic means, published on the Internet, or advertised using social media. Event materials should include both the non-discrimination statement and the event accessibility statement.

For further information regarding policies and procedures for disability-related accommodations, refer to the Center for Students with Disabilities Policy Page.


Event Accessibility Statement

Required for all University-sponsored events.

If you require an accommodation to participate in this event, please contact (INSERT SPONSORING DEPARTMENT CONTACT NAME) at (INSERT TELEPHONE AND EMAIL CONTACT INFORMATION) by (SPECIFIC DATE (suggestion: at least 5 days in advance)).


Captions are text versions of the audio content, synchronized with the video. They are essential for ensuring your video is accessible to individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing. They also help non-native English speakers to understand the video, make it possible to search for content within the video, help all students learn the spelling of technical terms spoken in the video, and make it possible to generate an interactive transcript where users can click anywhere in the transcript to watch the video where that text is spoken.

There are several options for captioning video:



  • Do it yourself. There are free tools available online that make it possible and easy to caption your own video. Further information to create an accessible video via YouTube is available at IT Accessibility: YouTube.


  • Third party service provider. UConn has contracted with 3PlayMedia for captioning services. This includes integrations with YouTube, Kaltura, Mediasite, and other platforms.  To utilize 3PlayMedia for captioning services refer to http://www.3playmedia.com/uconn/. For further information regarding setting up an account with 3PlayMedia, visit IT Accessibility: Media and Multimedia.  Questions regarding electronic and information technology may also be directed to itaccessibility@uconn.edu.

Creating Accessible Digital Content

Accessible content allows the widest range of users possible to engage with information. Without keeping accessibility in mind, we may inadvertently create a graphic that an individual who is blind cannot view. We might design a website through which someone who can only use a keyboard for navigation cannot move. By intentionally and thoughtfully considering accessibility in the initial phases of content design, we can develop content that is available to everyone.

Refer to the IT Accessibility website for further information.


Other Resources

National Center on Disability and Access to Education Accessibility Cheatsheets

Creating Accessible Documents - PDF (WebAIM)

Creating Accessible Tables - (WebAIM)

Adobe Accessibility


Faculty / Teaching Professionals Responsibilities Regarding Student Accommodations

The Center for Students with Disabilities (CSD) is vested by the University with the authority to determine whether an accommodation should be provided to a student.  In making a decision whether to approve an accommodation, the CSD engages in an interactive process with each student and reviews each request for accommodations on an individualized, case-by-case and course-by-course basis.  The CSD collaborates with students and their faculty to coordinate approved accommodations and services.

If a faculty member or other teaching professional, including a teaching assistant, believes an approved accommodation constitutes a fundamental alteration of the class objectives or program technical standards, they should contact the student’s Disability Services Provider (DSP) identified in the student’s accommodation letter immediately at (860) 486-2020 or csd@uconn.edu.

Further information on the rights and responsibilities of faculty and teaching professionals, including teaching assistants, regarding academic accommodations is available through the CSD Rights and Responsibilities webpage.

Instructional Strategies

The Center for Students with Disabilities (CSD) collaborates with faculty, Teaching Assistants (TA) and other teaching professionals to coordinate a wide-range of academic accommodations and provides resources and instructional strategies for teaching students with disabilities. 


Refer to the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning for further information of best practices in teaching and learning at the University of Connecticut.


Other Resources

University of Washington Applications of Universal Design in Postsecondary Education 

Assistive Technology

Assistive Technology (AT) is any product, equipment or system that improves learning, working and daily living for individuals with disabilities. CSDTech within the Center for Students with Disabilities provides and trains students on using AT as an approved accommodation and/or to enhance the learning process. For further information, please refer to the CSDTech webpage (http://csd.uconn.edu/csdtech/) or contact the CSDTech team at (860) 486-2020 or csdtech@uconn.edu

Room Relocation

In cases where classroom space is not functional as related to a disability, a faculty member may have a class relocated as a disability related workplace accommodation. Faculty seeking a workplace accommodation should contact the ADA Accommodations Case Manager, Tiffanie Roback, at 860-486-2036 or via e-mail at tiffanie.roback@uconn.edu for further assistance. Faculty should also be aware, at times, a class may need to be relocated due to a student's disability. This is coordinated through the Center for Students with Disabilities and the Registrar’s Office

Syllabus Statement

The following statement regarding students with disabilities is recommended to be included in a class syllabus:

The University of Connecticut is committed to protecting the rights of individuals with disabilities and assuring that the learning environment is accessible.  If you anticipate or experience physical or academic barriers based on disability or pregnancy, please let me know immediately so that we can discuss options. Students who require accommodations must contact the Center for Students with Disabilities, Wilbur Cross Building Room 204, (860) 486-2020, or http://csd.uconn.edu/.

Refer to the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning website for other Syllabus Policy Statements.

Website Development

As part of the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Accessibility Policy, faculty and staff developing websites have a responsibility to ensure their website(s) is accessible to people with disabilities. Refer to the IT Accessibility website for further information regarding website development.


Web Accessibility Tools and Resources

UConn IT Accessibility

UConn Aurora Accessibility Guide

UConn Brand Standards: Accessibility

WordPress Accessibility

WebAIM Quick Reference: Web Accessibility Principles

WebAIM Introduction to Web Accessibility

WAVE (Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool)

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0

InForm is a tool to help the UConn community navigate the reporting process and support available for a variety of incidents including bias, harassment, safety concerns, and other types of misconduct.

InForm is a tool to help the UConn community navigate the reporting process and support available for a variety of incidents including bias, harassment, safety concerns, and other types of misconduct.